Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Oh, Camille Paglia is at it again. Hurray! by Mark Davenport

New Years Eve...  

I'm getting around to posting what you may see as a controversial article by the outspoken Camille Paglia.  In this age of political correctness that all to often serves as "extra-legal" censor (and sometimes legal!), she says what she wishes...and expresses the (ssshhh!) inexpressible.  This time actually giving voice to men who have been cowed by those PC forces.  Open your mind and dare to enjoy for example, this:

 "This PC gender politics thing—the way gender is being taught in the universities—in a very anti-male way, it's all about neutralization of maleness." The result: Upper-middle-class men who are "intimidated" and "can't say anything. . . . They understand the agenda." In other words: They avoid goring certain sacred cows by "never telling the truth to women" about sex, and by keeping "raunchy" thoughts and sexual fantasies to themselves and their laptops.
Or this:
And men aren't the only ones suffering from the decline of men. Women, particularly elite upper-middle-class women, have become "clones" condemned to "Pilates for the next 30 years," Ms. Paglia says. "Our culture doesn't allow women to know how to be womanly," adding that online pornography is increasingly the only place where men and women in our sexless culture tap into "primal energy" in a way they can't in real life.
Interested?  Here's the article:

A writer who gets applause from such diverse folks as both Rush Limbaugh and Howard Bloom is rare. Camille Paglia is one such and may piss you off, but will always make you look within with each point she brings up.  I admire her solitary courage, if not every opinion she utters.
A writer who gets applause from such diverse folks as both Rush Limbaugh and Howard Bloom is rare. Camille Paglia is one such and may piss you off, but will always make you look within with each point she brings up.  I admire her solitary courage, if not every opinion she utters.

Monday, December 23, 2013

RETREATS at Paradiso Integrale in Umbria/Italy by Heidi Hornlein


 at Paradiso Integrale 
in Umbria/Italy
by Heidi Hornlein

The Paradise embedded in wonderful landscape

One of the things which will delight you while "staying in Paradise" is certainly  the delicious food, fresh and genuine, prepared by a professional Italian cook. 
Eating outside in the Patio looking down into the Tiber valley is a very special treat.

You can come here just as a 'regular guest' of the house, renting your apartment and enjoying the peace and beauty of the place. You might go sightseeing to Assisi, Rome and many other exciting and ancient places of Italy.

If you come for a group retreat you will find a program for every day, beginning with morning activities (Meditation, CHi Gong, Yoga, Bike-ride, Jogging, whatever you chose - even staying in bed longer). Then there will be 3-4 hours morning session with contents prepared for the specific retreat, in an inspiring and often very deep interactive collaboration with all participants. This is also the time where to explore and practice new ways of relating in a group, which then can be transferred to our personal relationships. 

After lunch the SIESTA is sort of mandatory, although somebody might want to go swimming or tracking instead. In the afternoons there are follow up sessions, personal coaching possibilities, leisure time or a sightseeing tour. 

The evening meals, watching the sunset with a good glass of Italian wine will enlighten you and fill you with the atmosphere of Mediterranean Life - the very reason why we live here! Time slows down, expands and embraces you and gives you the feeling of becoming fully alive.
Then comes the moment to go for walks in the moonlight, to lie on one of the terraces and watch the stars, to dream and to allow the experience settle in you.

In spring or autumn we will lit a transformational fire. If you believe in rituals or not - we will offer some for sure - alone watching the power of the fire and relating to it is a transformational experience in itself. Somebody might try out his/her yogi-achievements and walk on the fire. For any case we will have some leave of Aloe ready to heal the wounds.....

Read some testimonials in our website:

Being here in a group retreat is one of the most inspiring events in peoples' life - and who was here was comes back again!

Here is Celeste talking:

Wow, what an experience the retreat was for me. It was an experience like no other that I have ever had. I’m still digesting all that I learned about myself and about how dear we women are. The fact that we came together from so many different countries, yet we all share so many similar goals and desires was amazing. I want to congratulate everyone for giving their heart and soul to do the work necessary to be the best women we can be and live our lives to the fullest.

Come and join us for our Spring Retreat 2014 
30.4.-4.5. in Otricoli in Umbria/Italy
(For Women and Men!)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

What Sunny Boy Is Teaching Me by Mark Davenport

Early on a chilly morning this November as Heidi and I were crawling into the car, I heard a tiny mew coming from across the street where an old feed mill was located.  I could not resist that plaintive little voice and we discovered a two month old kitten among some trash surrounding one of the towers.  It seemed clear that he (as we learned a bit later) was lost or abandoned so almost without discussion we put him in the car with us and took him home.

He showed his colors even on the ride home, becoming calm and curious within a few minutes. Once at home, rested and fed, he began to meet our other cats.  He was fearless!  He did not expect any problems and so met very few!  His “in your face” curiosity about the world and all its inhabitants won our hearts and our admiration at once. We were witnessing the irrepressible urge of life to grow and expand and fill all voids with energetic and chaotic activity.  

We may have been concerned about how the resident cats would react to him (and each did so differently according to their own personalities) but he was not.  The whole world and all it contained were his to chew, climb, crawl into or up, hang onto with needle claws, or try to eat. Many parts of the world and many of its creatures resisted his relentless investigations, but his persistence was irresistible.

We soon understood that his energy was, if I may say so, impersonal.  That is, not a function of that animal we soon named Sunny Boy, but a natural force, a way of being in this world, a kind of intelligence that would sooner or later grant him his glorious reign in catdom...or destroy him if he blundered into the wrong circumstances, or perhaps worse, gradually rebuff him so that his boundless curiosity might become, if you will, bound, domesticated, tamed, shackled, replaced by a dispirited drudgery.

It’s now nearly two months later and he has easily doubled his size.  We have to look twice to be sure he’s not one of the ten year old toms with the same coloring.  His spirit remains intact, though tempered somewhat already by intelligence and experience.  By that I mean that he does understand “NO!” but that does not deter him from immediately searching for a way around the prohibition so as to do what he had intended to do anyway.  Or he will quickly be distracted by some other rolling, bouncy, juicy, reactive, or whatever it may be that he finds in his way next.

He has no sense of guilt, though he seems capable of some kind of embarrassment if he miscalculates a pounce or is thwarted in some way.  We have some older cats who need special diets which he finds very tasty, so keeping him out of the room where they eat is a continual task.  Today I had to toss him out while entering the room and again while exiting.  His reaction to this was to vigorously attack a loose insole in one of Heidi’s shoes.  Had he first encountered another cat, or me, we would have caught his anger and frustration.  But the energy from his disappointment was soon expended upon the shoe insole.

Both Heidi and I, separately, have raised many cats in our lives.  Sunny Boy is our first joint “pet parenting” project.  In fact we are learning a lot from this “impersonal “ force running around our house and yard (in ever expanding circles!).  We see something that we have to some unfortunate degree lost as we grew up: a way of encountering life with gusto, with endless curiosity and pluck. Sunny Boy doesn't ask permission.  He just acts and watches the universe’s reaction, makes necessary adjustments and continues on his way.  True, he is amoral in the usual meaning of that word.  But he is deeply pre-moral, in a sense, in his lack of judgement, blame, or even criticism of his world.  He accepts and learns and just goes on...and on, undaunted-

His example is infectious.  He is showing me how limited my world of fears and worries is,
how circumscribed my own boundaries of impressibility are, how I stop long before the world even thinks of stopping me.  I need to allow that same “impersonal” push forward to be expressed through me, accepting whatever I bump up against “out there” to react however it will but without letting that reaction deter me from what I need to make manifest while still alive and kicking.

I’m not advocating Sunny Boy’s “pre-morality” for myself, of course. The discrimination that a sense of right and wrong, understood differently as I have matured, is part of what my native energy has encountered and navigated with varying degrees of aplomb over the decades.  My life is more complicated than Sunny Boy’s can ever be, but may it never be less than it might be through unnecessary limitations in curiosity and courage.  

Thank you, Sunny Boy. Grow and prosper...and remind me how.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Power of Practice: Unlocking Compassion


This is amazing! I just found an interview by Lisa Engles with  Edward Mannix which models the Power Practice we know from our Feminine Power Teachings. A little bit different, sure, but very inspiring to try it out that way!
Enjoy the video!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

How to overcome obstacles

How to overcome obstacles: an interview with Tee Ming

In October Mark and I were interviewed by the amazing Tee Ming Ooi. ( YOu can find it on our Video page on our website  thepowerofrelationship.com).
Now she is revealing her story  (http://finishagent.com/she-gets-things-done) which, I believe, will be of greta help to many people, especially women, to step up and go for what they were born for:
Recently,  Tee Ming was  interviewed by Gina Hiatt, founder of 2 successful businesses and host of the recent “Group Coaching Megasummit” about how I was able to go from stay-at-home mom of 3 kids who thought “There must be more to life than this…” at the beginning of 2013 to figuring out and putting in place the contributing factors of my splendid life as the end of 2013 draws near.

This is the link from Gina to our revealing and high-energy interview:

You’ll find some juicy answers to these questions: What makes me act even though I am not clear about my purpose in life or my unique gifts or when I justfeel overwhelmed How do I quickly take my projects from intention to implementation?  How did I get over the fear of failure

Enjoy watching this audio :  http://finishagent.com/she-gets-things-done

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Returning to Blogger by Mark Davenport

Hi, for the first time in a long time!  What has pulled me back to blogging is all the developments that Heidi and I have been experiencing in the past month or so.  It's like birthing into the Big Time finally.  We're saving some stuff for our website, http://thepowerofrelationship.com/ , but some we can share here...

...and that is, our first episode of our bi-weekly radio show!

It's up now!

Yes, 30 minutes with Heidi and myself - and you can participate too by calling in during the show.

We will, of course, be sharing how to create a relationship "beyond your wildest dream" just like what we have forged for ourselves with each other.  We are inspired to spread the "how to" of such a relationship with so many of us who long for a loving and fulfilling intimate connection with another - whether or not presently in any relationship.

And we so desire your comments and suggestions for show topics.  While relationships will remain our primary focus, we know that you may well have other things on your mind also.  So do tell us and we'll do our best to respond on air to you.

Of course, the show is available after the live broadcast as well so if you can't meet us live, you can still hear the show and give us your feedback, which goes for technical stuff as well as content.

We plan to present a new show live every two weeks so the next one will be Tuesday, December 17 at 5:30 Central European Time/ 11:30 am EST in America.  Remember, recordings are available shortly after the broadcast.  This preview page will be active a few minutes before the show (hopefully)begins: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/heidi-and-mark/2013/12/17/paradise-talks-2-a-relationship-beyond-your-wildest-dreams

Let us know at my email (modavenport41@gmail.com) if all these links work, please.  We're new at this!

And more info and features are packed into our Facebook page - The Power of Relationship: Mark Davenport & Heidi Hörnlein - at https://www.facebook.com/power.of.relationship

I'll be back regularly with updates...and personal talks with you in mind.


Saturday, November 30, 2013

The mystery of Life and Death

A journey through  belief systems and their impact on life and death.

                                                                                                  by Heidi Hornlein,                                                                                                    (Adelheid Hörnlein)

I am in a age where deaths begin to occur to parents, schoolmates, lovers, even children. My father died 30 years ago of cancer at age 59. Everybody agreed that he was “too young” to die, but he didn’t make it in face of the ultimate failure of his life’s goal: to be elected as the chief mayor of our city. Life seemed not to give him any more  stimulus to go on and so he died within a few months at home.  My mother was his main caretaker, assisted by myself or my sister.
It was an intense time which took me 20 years to finally integrate. I had dared to look into his eyes, to create a deep heart connection with him, be there for him – while everybody else was only concerned about the outward care, the morphine shots on time or only when we noticed he was in pain again. How to put the cushions, change the pampers, thing like that. But holding his hands, looking in his eyes, really be vulnerable and open for his physical and emotional pain….. I observed so many things which seemed magical to me. He couldn’t speak loudly any more. When finally someone came to visit him – all of his former ‘friends’ seemed to have gone lost somewhere in anonymity – he spoke up with confidence and full voice, like he had in his former life.  
What is it that animates the effort to come back into life, like ‘normal’ again?  And what are we really, we human beings? Everything which seems so normal, like sneezing or bringing a spoon to the mouth – there comes a time where it just doesn’t work any more. We start out with birth not knowing how to coordinate our movements, our thoughts, whatever. And we end up not knowing it again. But there is a difference: consciousness. After the learning curve of a longer life we have a glimpse of what we have experienced and that we are now, in the neighborhood of death, aware of something missing, something we thought to possess before. And this creats a huge amount of suffering.

All this is not new. Spiritual traditions talk a lot about the suffering created by attachment and try to unhook us from life while we are still supposed tobe living it fully. What for a while seemed a way to end suffering – going into deeper states of consciousness where normal reality disappears – nowadays is not really valid any more when it is done in ways that lead to avoiding life altogether. This is known under the term “spiritual bypassing”, but it’s not what I want to speak about now.
I want to speak about the beliefs about life and death: mine, yours, the doctor’s and who so ever. When my mother died of old age 4 years ago we agreed to not bring her to the hospital for her necrotic heel, because we feared she would be kept alive by all means. My brother – a doctor in a completely different field – took care himself of the needed removal of dead tissue while the normal care, mornings and evenings, was done as it already had for years by hired people. When I came to assist her in her last weeks I found her in a body constricted by fear and refusal. Her caregivers forced her to eat and drink in quite a violent way. She couldn’t defend herself other then close her mouth like an iron gate and hide inside herself, as she could not defend her body. In the morning, when she was washed and the sheets renewed, nobody noticed her face distorted in pain when her leg was moved. She had morphine pads – and so they assumed she had no pain and didn’t bother at all to verify if that assumption was right or wrong.
There seems to be a widespread belief that a person, who cannot speak and express herself has become an object that others can handle in whatever way they like. They talk openly about the medical assumptions, opinions, scenarios, etc. which can arouse fear in healthy people, and they do that in the presence of the ill or even dying person who has no possibility to ask questions, to express their need for comfort and respect. You can call this thoughtlessness, but I think there is this deep fear of death which expresses itself in unloving, inhuman, behavior.  It is only a few centuries ago that in our part of the world people loved to watch public executions. It gave them the feeling of supremacy: this time I could escape, it was the turn of those other people, and they probably have merited what happens to them. Not only an easy way to talk oneself out of guilt, but also to settle oneself into an illusion of one’s own immortality.
“What cannot be, just IS NOT”, with eyes wide shut we are used to ignoring the reality of life, of ours and of every other being. Religion and spirituality tries to ‘correct’ this deep human instinct to escape and live in unexamined illusion. Sure, we don’t ask old people any more to go out into the wilderness to die and make space for the younger generations, we even have doctors and structures for prolonger the life span. But I really doubt if we have done a quantum leap in examining our fears and correspondent false beliefs about what life is and what is death.
Christianity has done a lot in social care, in actions of love towards people. I think about the orphanages which have helped women to survive when they had given birth to ‘illegal’ children, or people like Mother Theresa who worked and still work for the survival of the poorest. On the other hand the definition of life has become a dogma: no protection for pregnancy – this is ‘against life’.  Mhmm, strange. So we cannot eat eggs, because we prevent the life of a chicken, no hazelnut, because the bush cannot grow any more out of it, and every women is gulty when she hasn’t borne hundreds of babys, because she has wasted almost all of her ‘eggs’ which were potential life sources in their bodies.
I guess you can agree to the absurdity which arises, when good ideas freeze into dogmatic thinking and rules. Lets come back to the hospital, where I shortly accompanied an ex-partner of mine in his last days. Hospitals are good, you can have important operations which often will save your life – I myself had a cancer operation 10 years ago – and ideally there is somebody to take care of your progress towards healing. This is true, sometimes, other times not. It depends hugely on the mindset of the people working there and how they are guided and cared for in the system itself. People who are ‘grown up’, who have done their ‘homework’ and have come to terms with their own death are very often able to feel compassion for the person they are caring for, they can hold their hands, give them some kind and reassuring words, despite the huge amount of work which is on their shoulders. And others handle patients like so many animals are treated: no concern of their pain, they appear as objects in one’s power, rolled around like inanimate stones, touched with no regard, no explanation, no concern about the impact of what they do.
From the viewpoint of an integralist that can be easily explained in terms of ‘lower level of development’. It is good to have a roadmap where we can realize that people don’t necessarily do those things because they are bad or driven by the devil, but because in their level of development they are just not yet able to recognize another person as such, to ‘step into their shoes and see the world from their perspective’. It is similar toexpecting an 8 year old child to resolve a quantum physics equation. The capacity is not yet developed for that and maybe never will arrive. I guessthat you agree here. Psychosocial development though seems not to be considered yet in our world. That’s why no efforts are done to help people grow into the capacity to really care for people, deep in their own heart and being – instead of doing work with the job description of care. This sort of care can only be a superficial one, care for a wound, heal an illness, keep bodies warm and so forth. Real care begins when the emotions and the heart are involved.
And here is the paradox: doctor’s and nurses’ hearts get involved in the critical moments when they fear FAILURE, when their proven care doesn’t work, when the chemical drugs – helpful or damaging or both, not easy to distinguish – don’t work any more. Or they DO work in their clinical results: all values in the norm by help of various medicines (which often interfere with each other in not really always predictable ways) – and the patient is, nonetheless, on his deathbed.  It is incredible to watch the amount of self-centeredness which is sanctified by the official rules. How mature must a person become before he can say: “I don’t know the answer?”, before he acknowledges that his powers are limited, that her job is NOT to keep alive a body by all means, but that there is another part of the being which yearns to be acknowledged, that wants to pursue its natural cycle and would love to have support for that.  That would mean that the caretakers take their focus off themselves, off their needs and their fears in order to concentrate on the needs of the person they are meant to care for. Literally that means: don’t force a dying person to eat. A dying body knows perfectly well what it needs or doesn’t need any more. Take care for the physical pain of the person and of the emotional state. Be of  real help to the person and give up serving the illnesses and the ideas about how to fix them.
My ex-partner Mauro had a stroke in addition to other health issues during his stay in the hospital. He found himself unable to communicate, neither by language, nor by arm movements which were helplessly un-coordinated but nonetheless vigorous in their expression of fear and desperation. In the first days he tried with all his physical force to grap your arms and flee from this situation. It was really heartbreaking to witness this and not being able to do anything – except asking for pain medicine (his face seemed to express also physical pain) and some drugs to calm the profound agony he was experiencing. Doctor and nurse declared that giving him morphine was DANGEROUS. Dangerous for what? That he could become a drug addict, 80 years old and on his death bed? And tranquilizers? The orthopedist in whose department my ex was located  deflected our request back to us: if he gave him tranquilizers he would die in  minutes – and if WE would take responsibility for that??  We transferred him to another department where he got immediately morphine plasters and infusions with tranqulizers – and of course he didn’t die at all within 5 minutes but rather was finally relieved from physical pain and, within about a week, came out of acute agony with only occasional fear attacks, for instance when he was touched strongly and turned around in the bed – without anyone telling him before, because, in their opinion, he didn’t understand anyway.  There was still a doctor, an elderly harsh woman, who wanted to transfer him into a different hospital for a whole body scan, because she WANTED TO KNOW what parts of the brain were damaged. Fortunately the children, legally responsible now, insisted that it not be done so as to bother less possible their beloved father. We all intuitively knew that he was dying, maybe it would go on more days, weeks or even months, but we felt that this was the end and he needed to be cared for in a way which eliminated as many sources of suffering as possible.
Actually, despite his pacemaker, he died unexpectedly quickly.  I might be wrong, but I have an idea why this could happen. To understand what I am saying now you need to believe, too, that NOBODY dies without their consent. Or the other way round: when a person, deep in their being - not in their head!!! - has decided to die, it will happen. Mauro had a very strong free and autonomous spirit, not allowing anybody to get involved with his inner life. He made his own decisions without too much consideration of other peoples concerns, doing it ‘their way’ only to express his care for them, to keep them ‘quiet’. (Btw. This was a strong reason why I separated from him 20 years ago, because I was alone ebven while in his presence – thereby fulfilling on my own false beliefs and deeply ingrained patterns).
Now he found himself in the mercy of other people, unable to flee and avoid unpleasant situations – as it was his habit. Furthermore he became aware that he would be a huge burden to his daughter who would have taken care for him in a very adult and beautiful way. She had used her life to grow, which touched me to witness after not having seen her for more than 20 years. We both, in turn, had done our best to lead Mauro from his agony into a calmer state of mind by talking to him whether he seemed to hear it or not, explaining to him what was going on, reassuring him by being very clear about what had happened to him and that he himself couldn’t do anything about it any more. I offered also some guidance about spirit and religion, assuming that more often than not he was in a regressed childlike state where the miracles of the Christian stories he had probably perceived with awe and trust.as a child might still be reassuring There were moments of deep eye contact, understanding, connection. Outwardly hardly expressed, sometimes half a millimeter of an eyelash movement, but the deep sensing into the field between us allowed us to understand a lot – though there was always the doubt if we had guessed the right thing. We moved in a constant feedback loop of inner connection, hardly perceivable to people who were not able to join us in this inner space.
The last few days Mauro was rarely ‘awake’, only a few times for a few minutes and I perceived the effort he put into it to be able to get into this contact. I reminded him about the slogan he had held throughout his life: “When you have a problem and you can resolve it, why complain? And when you can’t resolve it, why complain?”. And I affirmed that this was a problem he could NOT resolve in his usual ways.  He listened. The same day his daughter signed a request for his translocation to a hospice. The next night there was a distant friend present in the room – the very first time that there was no close person there,  (the daughter, who had been there around the clock,  needed to take care of her own daughter after a week of absence and set things up in her location)– he took the occasion to leave, without burdening any of his loved ones. Wow! Sure, this is only my interpretation of the events. But I wouldn’t be astonished if it was really this way.
Why do I write all this?
I intend to arouse your curiosity about life and death!
I myself experience the death of a loved one as a sacred moment in both our lives, in his/her life and in mine. It has nothing to do with the “black skeleton which comes with the scythe’ to cut  down your life. It is, in my experience, a sweet hand guiding you into a different reality which you are allowed to explore as you explored your life in this body. No beginning, no end, really. Only the form is changing. And when you are grounded in a similar belief then you are able to give comfort to people on their way to the other world, you can support them and alleviate their pain, physical and emotional. And you are given the huge opportunity for growing yourself, for becoming more aware, more caring, more human – and much less fearful! I experienced moments of profound happiness in this situation. Happiness for being alive, for being given this opportunity to experience the human condition in all its facets, the joy of being.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Aller Anfang dauert

Die neue Webseite --- aller Anfang dauert

by Adelheid Hornlein and Mark Davenport:  ThePowerofRelationship.com

Im Frühjahr habe ich es endlich geschafft, meinen inneren Widerstand zu überwinden, der mich daran gehindert hat, das Thema WEBSEITE in Angriff zu nehmen. Ich hatte ja bereits eine, aber zum "falschen" Thema, denn als ich sie endlich fertig hatte - nach Jahren der Verzögerung -, dauerte es nur wenig und ich änderte meinen Fokus total. Von Bewusstseinsarbeit über Stimme zu der durch Beziehungen.

"Feminine Power" war der Anfang dazu, mittlerweile sind es 3 1/2 Jahre, als ich darauf stieß und das Gefühl hatte, endlich, endlich weiter zu kommen und klar sehen zu lernen, endlich die alten Muster zu erkennen und einen Weg gefunden zu haben, sie aufzulösen.

Auf der Beziehungsebene hat das wirklich eingeschlagen. Nach meinem Coach-Training habe ich Mark in mein Leben gezogen und wir leben eine Beziehung "beyond our wildest dreams", in Authentizität, radikaler Offenheit und sich ständig vertiefender Liebe,

Mit meiner Öffnung zu "all dem technischen Kram" dauerte es schon etwas länger. Aber im Frühjahr nahm ich an Marketing-Kursen teil und so langsam dämmerte es mir, dass ich auch diese Hürde würde nehmen müssen, denn, wenn die Menschen nicht wissen, was ich ihnen zu geben habe, wie kann ich sie dann erreichen, um es ihnen zu geben? Zu erkennen, dass es dabei nicht wirklich um mich geht, sondern um den Beitrag, denn ich leisten kann für andere - und der wohl meine Lebensbestimmung ist, wie ich immer mehr erkenne -, das hat es mir letztlich ermöglicht, hinauszugehen, sichtbar zu werden, so gut es geht - und eben endlich meine Internet-auftritte zu gestalten.

Ich begann mit einer Self-made-Webseite "powerofrelationship.com", damit wenigstens schon mal was draußen ist in der Welt. Sie ist noch nicht das wirklich Gelbe vom Ei, aber bislang das Einzige auf Deutsch und auf Italienisch, wo man etwas über meine Angebote erfahren kann.

Jetzt ist die neue Webseite da, auf Englisch vorerst: thepowerofrelationship.com
Sie ist "vollautomatisiert", mit Hilfe eines Webdesigners (und beträchtlichem finanziellen Aufwand) erstellt und ein wahrer Zeitfresser. Immer wieder ausprobieren, immer wieder führen links ins Abseits, aber Licht ist in Sicht, uff!

Das nächste Projekt sind nun unsere Angebote, die Kurse auszuarbeiten, sie in die Welt zu bringen, die Retreats publizieren, Menschen zu begeistern diesen Weg mit uns gemeinsam zu gehen - und zwar Frauen und Männer gleichermaßen. Mark ist ebenso in Vorbereitung für seine Kurse für Männer - und für Frauen, die Männer besser verstehen möchten und gemeinsam wollen wir so einiges auf die Beine stellen.

Viele Leute denken in unserem Alter an Pension und Ruhestand. Mark hat tatsächlich eine Weile das Pensionärsdasein erfahren. Aber damit ist es jetzt gründlich vorbei: ebenso wie ich ist er jetzt eifrig dabei sich auf das vorzubereiten, was er in die Welt bringen möchte und er fühlt sich lebendig und beflügelt wie nie.

Wir freuen uns auf Eure Kommentare, Anregungen, Wünsche  und konstruktive Kritik!!

Bis bald

Monday, November 4, 2013

How I got intersted and inspired about relationships (by Heidi Hornlein)

In this video I share my story about how I got inspired and attracted to do relationship work. My life taught me that the "normal" way of being in relationship didn't work although I really tried very hard. I needed to bang my head on the wall very strongly until I chose to find out why it doesn't work and who I needed to become for not to repeat the same old story again. Mark and I are now laying down grooves of new ways of being in relationship. We both feel strongly the urge to share with others what we have discovered - and are still discovering

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Parenting our children – outside and inside by Heidi Hornlein

Where the transformational teaching of" Feminine Power" meets every day life....

Children need education. I think we all agree on that. But what form of education? There are many different opinions and concepts.

 In the masculine paradigm children were ‘educated’ to follow the will of the parents, they are punished when they don’t and they remain largely ignorant about why things are how they perceive them to be. Nobody bothers to explain in words adapt to their age what is really going on in the situations of their life when they are admonished, blamed or punished. The young child is interpreting the world with its restricted means of knowledge and understanding – and more often than not it comes to the conclusion that there is something wrong with themselves, that they are bad or unloved or what so ever. Children in the egocentric stage of development just take everything as directly referred to themselves, even when it is not about them at all, from the perspective of the adults around them. So it is inevitable that they create a self-image which is very different from the objective reality.

In the attempt to overcome the authoritarian style of education people threw the baby out with the bathwater. They tried to encourage their children to “be themselves” by not setting any boundaries at all, creating little desperate devils who have no framework to find orientation of what is right and what is wrong, no possibility to define their world of reality. This leads equally to erroneous assumptions about who they are and what the world is like.

Most parents today are somewhere in between these poles, trying to do their best to bring up their children. They have their opinions and behaviors of encouragement or prohibition and handle their children accordingly. But there is one thing they normally overlook: they don’t really connect and accept the present emotional state these children are in, they don’t enter into their perspective, but see things from their own – which necessarily is far more advanced and wide. If they cling to the ideology of ‘no boundary’ they don’t realize the vital need of the young creature to explore its territory and the helplessness and fear which comes up when this territory seems endless, no direction where to go, no goal visible.

Parents who set boundaries and say NO when it needs to be said often disconnect with their children ‘to make them understand better’. This might be their intent when they keep staying in anger, don’t talk to the child for a while or remind him/her over and over again of what he/she has done wrong.  This emotional distance punishes the child in a way that parents are not aware of. Saying NO and being angry at the spot is right. When the emotional response of the child comes up, sadness, tears, then the child needs the reassurance that he is all right as a human being, loved by his parents; that she DID something wrong, but that she IS NOT wrong.

Most of us have grown in an environment where our caregivers did not behave like that: or they didn’t care at all about our emotional responses, or they abandoned us, let us alone in moments of emotional distress with the conviction that we needed to find the way out ourselves – which we were unable to do in a healthy way – and therefore we came up with all kind of believes about ourselves and the world and the people around us. These convictions by the time froze into our sense of identity, they continue to influence or even lead our lives in covert ways during our whole life – if we don’t realize it, what we seldom do, since they have become the water in which fish swim without knowing anything about it.
That’s why there are all these contradictory voices talking in ourselves: if you have ever listened to the dialog which is constantly going on in your head then you have an idea of what I am speaking about: “chocolate is not good for you, only one piece”, “I want the whole chocolate”, “no, don’t do that” “haha, I got another piece, and another – I am a trickster…”

You can see these voices as younger versions of yourself who are still in contradiction with your caregivers who have expressed a prohibition and menaced punishment of some sort. Your childish reaction might have been to rebel openly or covertly, or you have adopted as a fixed rule what those people told you. Your reaction to what came to you from your immediate surrounding became your habit to react to similar situations from then on. And when you were about 12 years old you took over yourself the controlling business, and this inner controller often developed even much more severe and merciless that the actual people who where controlling your behavior so far. By the time you will have   found good rationalizations for why you could or could not do or be what you really wanted to do or be and you always reinforced the original messages on a daily basis.

If you, today, feel at a loss in any area of your life, if you feel unfulfilled, without job or partner, without joy and a sense of the purpose of your life, you can be sure that you are still guided by these covert old identities of your childhood. You might even have an idea of what they are, you have talked with a therapist and some of the crucial situations of your childhood came into light. Now you might know where your difficulties in life come from, who is responsible for the distortions of your childhood experience and understanding. You might have tried to make up for it by allowing this inner child to come out of the closet and to take over the show of your life – in many ways alike the parents who don’t set boundaries for their children. Now what? Did it really change your life, transform it to what you sense would be possible for you? Or are you still blown from here to there between what you think you want now, or now, or now, and what you think you should do instead?

What you can do, now, whatever age you are: find out about these younger parts of you, recognize in them the child you once where who has stopped his or her development in the moment the false belief was adopted fully as truth. Then you can caringly and lovingly help her to grow, to develop, to become mature, to finally leave the pain and the feeling of inadequateness behind. And you do that in the same way as you do it with your own children – if you are a skillful parent for them. You will help them grow by really seeing and acknowledging them, by recognizing their feelings and needs and never dismiss them, negate them or talk them out of what is so for them. And you will give them guidance as to what is ok and what is not and you will decisively, but in a loving  context, make sure that they do what you want. And if it doesn’t make sense to them, then you need to be able to explain it in a way which is appropriate to their age – and, by the way – what you ask from them really needs to make sense and be consistent.

You might find out that all this is much easier for you when you deal with your physical child, but not so easy when you approach your inner child-like being. If so, you might need to reinforce the ‘good parent’ in yourself and also have a look on the interactions with your real child and see if you can improve your beingness with him. You might think that you are a loving and understanding parent, but when you look closer you might find out that you don’t really see and welcome what they are feeling or what they needs from you, that you might only THINK that you are doing 'your best', when you, in reality, are not, not really…..

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Beziehungen und was sie gelingen lässt - Modul #3 - das Enneagramm

Dies ist das dritte Video in meiner Serie: Beziehungen und was sie gelingen lässt. Hier geht es darum, wie man mehr über sich selbst erfahren kann, um sich dann besser in Beziehungen bewegen zu können. In diesem Video spreche ich über das Enneagram als gute Möglichkeit, sehr viel Neues über sich selbst und andere  zu lernen-

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Beziehungen und was sie gelingen lässt: Modul #2

Das zu erforschen ist wichtig, wenn wir etwas in unserem Leben verändern wollen

In diesem Video gehe ich der Frage nach, wie man mehr über sich selbst und andere erfahren kann und stelle das Enneagram vor als eine der guten Möglichkeiten, dies zu tun. Das Enneagram ist eine Typologie, die die Menschen in 9 Typen einteilt, mit jeweils 3 Untertypen. Menschen halten sich heute für sehr 'individuell'. Wer sich mit dem Enneagram beschäftigt, wird schnell sehen, dass diese Individualität nicht so weit reicht, wie wir das vielleicht gern hätten: viele Menschen ticken genauso (oder fast genauso) wie ich selber, und sehr viele ganz anders. Und meine Art, Dinge zu sehen und zu tun, ist keinesfalls die einzig mögliche - auch wenn wir uns das immer insgeheim so denken, denn 8/9 der Menschheit lebt eine ganz andere Realität, gut unterscheidbar von der unseren, die ebenso gültig ist.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Beziehungen und was sie gelingen lässt: Modul #1

Es geht los: Das erste Modul über "Beziehung" - wie Ihr sehen werdet: in einem recht großen Kontext, wo unsere persönlichen Beziehungen ihren Platz finden als unübertreffliches "Übungsfeld"

In diesem ersten Modul geht es um die Notwendigkeit, die "weiblichen Qualitäten" zu würdigen und zur Anwendung zu bringen, um den Überhang der maskulinen Energie in der Welt auszugleichen. Ein wichtiges Element ist die Fähigkeit, Beziehung zu knüpfen und zu pflegen. Der Kontext für unsere persönlichen Beziehungen hat sich stark gewandelt im letzten Jahrhundert, so dass vor allem wir Frauen aufgefordert sind, unsere Beziehungsfähigkeit zu "verbessern", unsere Beziehungen anders und befriedigender zu gestalten, die Männer zu inspirieren, auch ihre weiblichen Anteile wertzuschätzen und zu entwickeln - in Korrespondenz zu den mittlerweile doch recht weit erforschten maskulinen Anteilen in uns Frauen - und zu einem Ausgleich und einer Integration zu kommen. 

Wie geht das? Es gibt heute wunderbare und wirksame Wege, dies zu tun. Und das ist es, womit sich diese Serie beschäftigt. Im ersten Modul geht es erst einmal darum, die Notwendigkeit einer Bestandsaufnahme anzuerkennen und Wege anzudeuten, wie das geschehen kann. Mit dem "Jetzt"-Zustand werden sich einige Module beschäftigen, bevor wir in die Visionsarbeit gehen und herausfinden, was wir im tiefsten Herzen wirklich anstreben. Dann, folgerichtig, geht es "an die Arbeit" mit der Transformation unserer Selbst hin zu dem Menschen, der wir sein wollen und der fähig ist, diese neuen Wege in Liebe, Partnerschaft, Familie, mit Freunden und Kollegen zu erproben und förmlich ganz neu zu erschaffen.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Touched for life- Introduction by Mark Davenport

This is the first video about the importance of touch in human life by my beloved husband Mark Davenport.
I attracted him into my life 2 years ago in a period of his life when he thought he would never enter into a close relationship again, that life would end in a while without many possibilities any more.

He is the living example about how your life can change in unexpected ways, where the future becomes open and full of exciting perspectives, where you discover so many new things about life and yourself and about other people which you just ignored all the past decades - without even knowing that you didn't know. And then, when you come into contact with the right ideas and the right people your life opens up to a whole new dimension.

His growing passion is to talk about what he experienced and bring the message out to older people that life has so many exciting things for them to discover, that their life is worth while to be lived fully and not spent in front of TV, computers or in a armchair, waiting for death.

He especially wants to talk to men and help them to discover their feminine qualities which enriched his life tremendously and which he loves to share with other men: How to become a truly integrated men and how to enjoy life fully in older age, how to harvest the rich life experience and see it from a larger perspective. The wisdom of a long life in service to others, younger and elder people alike, men and women alike.

But he also wants to talk to women - as he does to myself - and tell us how life looks like from a male perspective. Since I know Mark I, for the first time in my life, began to understand what it is like to be a man. So many insights I have now which I never got by living my whole life with several male partners. We women just DON'T KNOW, because men never talked about themselves and their personal experience. Now men begin to be aware of feelings, needs and the structures and forces in their life - and they begin to talk about it. For us women who really would like to know how men "tick": finally we can let go of our interpretations of male behavior and ask them directly - and we will discover a whole new Universe.

The above video is the beginning of a whole series which will be expanded in an online course and in life gatherings in 2014.  Enjoy!!  Love from  Heidi

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Herbst-Retreat : Integrale Lebenspraxis für Frauen im evolutionären Kontext. (Kurssprachen: Englisch und Deutsch)


(DIE "CASCATA DELLE MARMORE  in Terni, unser Ausflugsziel während unseren Retreats)

Herbst-Retreat: 2.-6. Oktober 2013 im
Otricoli (TR) / Umbrien/ Italien
Integrale Lebenspraxis für Frauen im evolutionären Kontext. (Kurssprachen: Englisch und Deutsch)

Lernen und Erfahren im Miteinander im sicheren Kontext unserer evolutionären Beziehung.

Eingeladen sind alle Frauen, die endlich praktische Wege finden möchten, ihre spirituellen Wege in die praktische Realität zu bringen und/oder ihre bisherige Selbsterfahrung zu 'ordnen', auf dei Verwirklichung ihres Potenzials auszurichten und ihr Sein in all seinen Facetten zu integrieren.

Körper - Seele - Geist

So viel wird davon gesprochen. Hier werdet Ihr Wege finden, sie tatsächlich in euer Leben zu integrieren - und vieles mehr....

Das Feuer verbrennt das Alte, von dem wir uns trennen wollen.
Wir "gehen durchs Feuer" und erkennen
dass es uns reinigt und erneuert.

Wir leben während des Retreats auf der reichen Erde Umbriens, 
wir atmen die (noch) reine Luft unserer ländlichen Gegend
wir erleben die Kraft des Wassers beim Wasserfall
und die Kraft des Feuers bei unserem Abschlussritual.


Adelheid, Elena und Annie

Wir haben in früheren Blogbeiträgen über vergangene Retreats berichtet. Ihr findet sie hier im Blogverzeichnis

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Beziehungen und was sie gelingen lässt - Adelheids Intro auf Deutsch


In diesem Video gebe ich einen groben Überblick über das Thema "Beziehung"  und einen Ausblick auf Wege, wie wir unsere Beziehungen verändern, ja geradezu revoutionieren können - dadurch, dass wir unsere Beziehung zu uns selbst verändern. Alles, was ich sage, ist in meiner eigenen Erfahrung erforscht und erprobt. Ich bin zum Schluss gekommen, dass es Zeit ist, diese Wege zu einem glücklichen Leben hinaus zu bringen in die Welt.

Wer erfahren und erleben möchte, wie man das macht, sich so zu entwickeln, dass das Leben schwerelos und erfüllend wird - und dazu noch die Beziehung mit dem Partner, den wir uns immer insgeheim erträumt haben -, der/die möge direkten Kontakt aufnehmen und sich über meine Angebote inforrmieren (Kurse, Retreats, Coaching usw) unter adelheid@integralvoice.de

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Videoserie auf YouTube

Beginn einer Videoserie auf YouTube
Our YouTube series has started

In den vergangenen Tagen begannen wir, Mark und ich (Heidi/Adelheid) unsere Videoserie auf dem extra dafür eingerichteten Kanal "Paradiso Integrale", namensgleich mit unserem Anwesen in Umbrien, wo wir die Clips aufnehmen und in der guten Jahreszeit Retreats abhalten, für Frauen bisher, aber bald auch gemischt und vor allem für Paare.
Unser Thema ist Beziehungen: wie finde ich den wirklich passenden Partner für mich und wie kann ich eine Beziehung so gestalten, dass sie im wahrsten Sinne UNGEWÖHNLICH wird.

In the last few days Mark and I started our Videoseries on Youtube. You can follow our talks on our channel "Paradiso Integrale", named after the place we are living in Italy where we hold also retreats for women only, but soon also for mixed groups and for couples 
Our topic is relationships: how to attract THE ONE and how to create a really UNUSUAL relationship.

Wir freuen uns über Eure Kommentare
We are looking forward to your comments
Heidi + Mark

Beziehungen und was sie gelingen lässt - Heidi's Intro auf Deutsch

Monday, August 19, 2013

The power of relationship Heidi's Intro in English

how to find them, how to live them, how to cure them and how to leave them

This is the Introduction to a video series where you can find tipps and suggestions how to handle your personal problems re relationships
by Heidi Hornlein

Please visit out Video Channel http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0O8rVWe3JE214pySCwYfhg

to find out all about our growing projects (in English, German, even Italian).Please click on the "subscribe" button and you will always be informed about the progress of our work.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Spring Retreat 2013 (Fortsetzung)

Spring Retreat 2013


Das war die Gruppe von Frauen, die sich Ende April für 5 Tage im Paradiso-Integrale.com trafen  - fehlt nur Birgitta, die das Foto schoss. Frauen aus England, USA, Finnland, Slowakien, Deutschland, Kuwait, Italien, Australien und Schweden und aus Österreich

Diesmal möchte ich keiner Chronologie folgen, sondern ein paar
Highlights unseres Treffens
 herauspicken. Dazu gehört ganz bestimmt die "Deep listening" - Übung, die Erfahrung, welche Macht der Zuhörer über den Sprecher hat, oder anders gesagt, wie sehr die Qualität der Begegnung zwischen Menschen abhängt von der aktiven Beteiligung beider. Aber nicht nur 'aktiv' ist wichtig, sondern - erstaunlicherweise - die Form der Präsenz von Sprecher UND Hörer.

Im Workshop bei der Tagung des Integralen Forums habe ich einen Workshop mit genau dieser Übung gehalten - und auch dort waren die Menschen,  Frauen und Männer, zutiefst erstaunt, weil sie dies zum ersten Mal am eigenen Leib erfahren konnten.

Im Retreat widmeten wir einen ganzen Nachmittag und Abend dieser Übung, die sich in 3 Teilen und 3 Runden artikulierte. Was passiert im Sprecher, wenn der Zuhörer ganz offensichtlich nicht dabei ist? Von Irritation bis zum Gefühl, nichts mehr mitteilen zu wollen, bis dahin, dass der Hals zugeschnürt wird, zum Gefühl von undefinierbarer Gewalteinwirkung. Dann gibt es auch solche Sprecher, die sich einfach nicht darum scheren, ob ihnen zugehört wird oder nicht und einfach weiter reden - im Sile eines 'klassischen' Uniprofessors-, einen großen Monolog halten. Aber welchen Sinn hat das, wenn keiner zuhört? Den Uni-stoff kann man ja in Büchern nachlesen aber es ist ganz bestimmt keine gute Taktik um Kommunikation und Gemeinsamkeit zu schaffen..... Da gibt es eine ganz bestimmte Art des Zuhörend, die ein kreatives Sprechen möglich macht, und damit ein kreatives, beglückendes und neue Erkenntnisse hervorbringendes Gespräch, und zwar dann, wenn man als Hörer auf das zwischen den beiden entstehende Feld achtet - und gar nicht so sehr ausschließlich auf das Gesagte, wie wir uns das immer so gedacht haben. Wer es nicht glaubt, der komme und mache mit uns diese Übung!!!!

Ein anderer Höhepunkt war unser Tagesausflug nach Assisi.

Unerwartete Besuchermassen brachten unseren Stundenplan durcheinander, und anstatt zuerst die Kathedrale zu besuchen fuhren wir im kriechtempo hoch zur Eremitage und darüber hinaus, um uns erstmal zu stärken. Beim Picknick fing es an zu tröpfeln, aber das konnte unsere Stimmung nicht besonders trüben. Wir saßen an Picknicktischen unter Pinienbäumen bei Reissalat und Truthahnbraten, gekochten Eiern und den wunderbaren italienischen Tomaten. Gut dennoch, dass wir heißen Tee dabei hatten.....

Dann gabe es 'Lust auf Kaffee' und wir stürzten uns in die Touristenmassen auf dem Weg hinunter zur Kathedrale vom heiligen Franz. Wie ein Wunder fanden wir beide gerade 2 freie Stühle im Eingan zum Café, mit Blick direkt auf die Kirche. Ein schöner Ort zum Verweilen und Abwarten, bis alle eintrudelten und wir als Gruppe die Kirche besuchten - nicht ohne vorher einen Cappuccino, ein Eis oder eine andere Köstlichkeit genossen zu haben. Manch einer suchte sich auch ein freies Plätzchen auf dem Mäuerchen oder der Wiese vor San Francesco, um eine kleine Nachmittagsandacht zu halten, auf Italienisch kurz gesagt: Siesta

In der oberen Kirche die wunderbaren Wandgemälde von Giotto, die das Schiff an beiden Seiten in wahrlichen Großformaten säumen. Wenn man nicht weiß, wie alt diese Bilder sind, aus einer Zeit, als die Menschen noch nicht zur Dreidimensionalität erwacht waren, als ihnen diese Perspektive - des perspektivischen Malens - noch fremd war oder gerade erst die ersten Versuche damit begannen; ja, wenn man da mit heutigen Perspektiven hineingeht, findet man die Bilder noch immer wunderschön, ein bisschen 'naiv' oder an Maler des vergangenen Jahrhunderts erinnernd, wie etwa Picasso, der versuchte, die Dreidimensionalität wieder auf  das Zweidimensionale abzubilden. Mit dem Wissen um ihre historische Bedeutung wirken diese Gemälde jedoch noch viel beindruckender, als leuchtend farbiges Zeugnis der Evolution der Menschheit, speziell des Erwachens zu multiplen Perspektiven, wenngleich erst von 2 auf 3, aber der Anfang war getan.

Im Innenhof zwischen der Oberkirche und der Unterkirche fand ein äußerst spannendes Erlebnisreferat über das Leben von Santa Chiara, der heiligen Klara, statt. Birgitta hatte Papiere verteilt mit Zitaten von Santa Chiara selbst und anderen, unter verschiedenen Perspektiven zusammengetragen, und jeder von uns übernahm dann eine Perspektive, aus der heraus wir einen Dialog - oder besser 'Multi-log' führten und die Realität dieser ungewöhnlichen, mutigen Frau vor uns und zwischen uns entstehen konnte.

Spannend, diese Form des kollektiven, aktiven Lernens, die es zu vertiefen und zu verbreiten gilt. Santa Chiara konnte für uns als Mensch sichtbar werden, wie es nie einem Bericht über ihr Leben möglich gewesen wäre. Sie wurde so unvergesslich für uns. Und dann war es auch nicht mehr so tragisch, dass wir keine Zeit mehr hatten, ihre Kirche zu besuchen.
Denn auf dem Programm stand noch die Porziuncola in Santa Maria degli Angeli, eine winzige Kapelle im Inneren einer riesigen Kirche. Dort tritt man in einen ganz besonderen Raum ein. Erst die riesige Kirche, von Ferne in der Ebene sichtbar durch die mächtige, hohe Kuppel, viel Raum drum herum und er Eingangsbereich gigantisch, schon etwas bedrückend, wenn man sich gerade eben in den harmonischen Proportionen der Franziskuskirche befunden hat.....

Und kaum hat man die Kirche betreten, wird man magnetisch angezogen hin zur kleinen Kapelle, die als vollständiges Gebäude mit Keramikziegeln auf dem Dach in der Mitte steht, die Eingangstür weit geöffnet und magisch beleuchtet das wunderbare Apsis-Fresko, was auf diesem Bild nich auch nur andeutungsweise herüberkommen kann. Das muss man schon mit eigenen Augen gesehen haben!!!

Müde und erfüllt zu Hause angekommen - das heißt in meinem Zuhause, dem Paradiso Integral, in dem das Retreat stattfand, ließen wir uns von den Kochkünsten meiner italienischen Nachbarin verwöhnen, die die Aufgabe grandios gemeistert hat, auf vielerlei verschiedene, teilweise konträre Diatwünsche einzugehen und super leckere Mahlzeiten zubereitete, wo fast jeder fast alles essen konnte. Wow......

Fotos von Annie Avery, Birgitta Kogler and Mark Davenport