Sunday, March 11, 2018

Is "Matriarchy" a solution for "Patriarchy"?

Many women today seem to believe that they are oppressed by something called "Patriarchy", a society created to give all the power to men, and they envision "Matriarchy" where women hold all the power as a viable solution.

Things are certainly not that simple. Women are simply not better than men, but often act differently according to their biology and also to their conditionings and roles in the society they are part of. A woman who holds power over other humans, men or women, is not necessary a fairy queen of justness and equal consideration for all. Actually, non evolved women can be more ruthless than men in certain situations - for instance sending their sons into "holy" wars or punish their daughters severely when they express themselves in unexpected ways, sometimes inducing their husbands or sons to kill the daughter for to "keep the family honour".

5 women living in 4 different countries discuss the topic of patriarchy vs. matriarchy, of feminine and masculine qualities and expression, of the situation of men and women in society and what is needed to go ahead in a better way. The example of the self-understanding of women in the ex-east of Germany was discussed and how it got weakened when Germany grew together again. Many more examples came forth. Questions like: what could "partnership" mean? How can we come to a better understanding of ourselves, the roles we play and our own responsibility in our lives, for our choices? What means do we have to heal the past? 

You can find a detailed description of the topics HERE under "Timestamps" which allows you to call the exact place in the video where we talked about that topic.

Here is the whole conversation, our tiny contribution to create a better work by talking about the things involved in our lives, by sorting them out and coming to a better understanding and by allowing others, you,  to participate in that research, maybe inspiring you to join us or create your own discussion group.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

The everlasting topic: women and men and education of children

Lately the controversy about the relationships between men and women has come to a new apex. The MeToo- movement has become crazy to the extend that the words "sexual harassment" and "rape" have become meaningless by the fact that these labels now get attached to behaviors which definitely have nothing or very little to do with the original meaning of these words. 

The tendency of radical feminists to use the stories of real people and their suffering to make a lot of noise and use it for their own political purposes is really appalling and, at the long run, is totally contra-productive to the cause - and certainly to healthy relationships between the sexes. 

If you need written agreement to every step in a relationship you do nothing but repress any healthy relationship from growing and you promote separation, aloneness and depression as humans need to live inside close relationships. We need to be free to address people freely as long as we don't use violence. And we have enough legal protection against criminal behavior, we don't need general "protection" from male aggressiveness as is claimed and practiced by radical feminists. 

What is Feminism for?

What FEMINISM is that which disempowers women and declares them VICTIMS again? Wasn't feminism intended to liberate women from their "suppression" and empower them to take a stand for themselves? Now they require continuous protection which would be adequate for children but not for adult women. True feminism would EMPOWER women and help them to get out of victimism by teaching them to take responsibility for THEMSELVES instead of others as they did for centuries.

I am on the side of Catherine Deneuve who came out lately to speak against the exaggeration and fake information following the outbreak of "MeToo". Read her letter HERE. I fully agree with what she says on the basis of my Feminine Power training. True feminine power does not denigrate and blame men, let alone need protection against the "bad men". True feminine power is navigating the unknown in full responsibility for her own decisions.

The Conversation on Video

In the below video of the January meeting of WOMEN MATTERS of we talk about this topic from about minute 30. (If you want the full timestamps, please go HERE.

Before we talk about the experience of one of our conversation participants with facilitating children in their development and her experience in South-East Asia with this kind of work.

Many topics come up, controversial and not. Enough material for further conversations.

Please feel free to add your thoughts in the comments, at the website page, the youtube video or here below! Thank you!

Pics from

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Wissenschaft und Religion: Engel nicht nur am Weihnachtsbaum?

Wissenschaft und Religion:  Engel nicht nur am Weihnachtsbaum?

Das Buch 
beschäftigte die Frauen am Brunnen über zwei online Treffen. (Der Link zur Deutschen Ausgabe am Ende des Artikels)
Heutzutage lächeln die Menschen, wenn jemand anfängt, von ENGELN zu reden. Das ist doch was für den Weihnachtsbaum, oder für die Kinder, ein Märchen ohne Wahrheitsgehalt. Und was könnten die halbnackten Knäblein an den Decken von Schlössern und Kirchen anders sein?
Wenn jemand ernsthaft von Engels spricht, wie der von mir sehr geschätzte Wissenschaftler Rupert Sheldrake, dann werde ich aufmerksam und neugierig. Ich kaufte das Buch und fand dann so Einiges, was mich zum Erstaunen brachte. Engel werden verglichen mit Photonen, denn sie weisen ähnliche Eigenschaften auf. Ihre Qualitäten werden von christlichen Mystikern wir Hildegard von Bingen oder Thomas von Aquin beschrieben und Dr. Sheldrake sieht da eine Ähnlichkeit mit Energiefeldern, mit Licht insbesondere. Das ist absolut spannend, auch für Menschen, die mit Religion eher nichts am Hut haben. 
Das Thema wurde von Schriftstellern und Dichtern verwendet über die Jahrhunderte hinweg. ein kleines Beispiel dafür:“ENGEL” von Rainer Maria Rilke

Engel Die kosmische Intelligenz
Wir haben eher skeptische Frauen und auch solche, die missionarisch überzeugt sind, andre, die eher am Rande stehen und mehr zuhören. Was wäre Deine Position? Vielleicht magst Du ja das Buch auf Deutsch bestellen? 

Hier sind die Aufzeichnungen unsrer Gespräche. Zunächst das letzte, da wir da mehr auf das Buch eingehen, dann das Gespräch, in dem wir vom Buch erfahren durch eine der Frauen, aber noch weiter Themen besprechen bezügliche Advent, Weihnachten und was in unsrem Leben und in der Welt ankommen will.
(Du kannst Infos über die Teilnehmerinnen und Weiters auf den Event-Seiten der Gespräche finden: ENGEL und ADVENT)

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