Thursday, January 30, 2014

Finde Deine authentische Stimme in Deinen Beziehungen

Finde Deine authentische Stimme in Deinen Beziehungen


Mit Adelheid Hörnlein, Mark Davenport and Elena Urbanovsky


Praktische Wege zu einer Integralen Partnerschaft

Das Leben in einer Beziehung ist bestimmt durch das vorherrschende Meme in der Gesellschaft. Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der die alten Modelle ausgedient haben. Wir haben wenige Beispiele, wie eine Erfüllung in Authentizität in einer Partnerschaft  möglich sein kann. Wir wollen die Lücke schließen zwischen unserem theoretischen Wissen über „Integral“ und unserer persönlichen Realität und uns als Pioniere sehen, die Spuren legen für „integrale Beziehungen“ im 21. Jahrhundert.

·       Spotlight-Vorträge und Diskussionen über Beziehungsmodelle, Probleme und Wege heraus
·       Meine Interaktion mit der Welt: Die persönliche authentische Stimme entfalten – physisch und übertragen.
·        Übungen zu Perspektivwechsel auf allen Ebenen (Denken, Fühlen, Wahrnehmen, Tun)
·        Erprobung neuer Fähigkeiten zum In-Beziehung-Treten und in-Beziehung-Sein
·       Partnerschafts-Rituale: wie pflege ich meine Beziehung?
·       Und vieles mehr (u.a. ein Ausflug in Bella Umbria)

Eine Integration von Integraler Theorie, Psychologie und Spiritualität: Voice Dialog, Gestalt, Enneagramm, NLP, Achtsamkeit, meditativen Prozessen. Psychodrama, Tools aus dem transformativem Coaching, speziell „Feminine Power– Die Kraft des Bezogenseins“

Frauen and Männer  aller Altersstufen mit dem dringenden Wunsch, sich selber und andere besser verstehen zu lernen und gute Beziehungen zu knüpfen und/oder bestehende Beziehungen zu verbessern. Frauen und Männer, die eine sichere Umgebung suchen, in der sie Neues ausprobieren können

Das Retreat ist zweisprachig: Deutsch und Englisch

siehe auch


Adelheid (Heidi) Hörnlein

Wilber Fan seit 1997, bringt die integrale Vison in ihr Privatleben, Retreatcenter, und in ihren Beruf, als „Integrale Stimmtrainerin“ und als transformativer Beziehungs-Coach. Sie arbeitet via skype/hangout oder im persönlichen setting. (siehe: und

Magister Artium  in Kommunikationswissenschaft,  Diplom in Gestalt--Counselling, Zertifizierungen in NLP, Spiral Dynamics, Transformational Leadership, Transformatives Coaching (in 3 Ausrichtungen), Musiktherapie. SAT: 5-Jahreskurs zum Psychologischen Enneagram

Mark Davenport

im integralen Denken seit etwa 10 Jahren, arbeitet als counselor und Coach für Menschen in Übergangssituationen. Er möchte speziell Männern Führung anbieten auf ihrem Weg zu einem neuen Selbstverständnis und höher entwickleten Identität in ihrem Tun und Sein, speziell in ihren Beziehungen zu ihren Partnerinnen und in ihrem Sexualitätsverständnis.

MA in Italienischer Literatur,  Arbeitete als Lehrer, später als counselor, speziell für Drogenprobleme, bevor er Ken’s Werk begegnete. Seither fokusiertere Ausrichtung auf die „Evolution des Bewusstseins“ als persönlicher Entwicklungsweg und in der Counselingarbeit. Sein besonderes Anliegen ist es, Männer aufzuwecken und ihnen in ihrer Entwicklung zur Seite zu stehen.ehen

Elena Urbanovsky, 

Ausbildung als Lehrerin und Schauspielerin. Das Leben brachte sie in viele Europäische Länder und zu vielen Erfahrungen, die sie mit der „integralen Landkarte“ heute verstehen und integrieren kann. Ihr Focus liegt auf Frauen, sie begleitet sie in Krisensituationen, in ihren Wachstumsprozessen und in ihrem Erwachen zur nächsten Entwicklungsstufe, was vor allem in osteuropäischen Ländern ein schmerzvolles und einsames Unterfangen ist. Sie hat reiche Erfahrung in der Leitung von Live-Workshops zum psycho-spirituellen Wachstum.
Ganz frisch zurück in Deutschland beginnt sie, neue Wege zu gehen, nicht nur beruflich, sondern auch in der Frage: wie können Kinder wirklich gedeihen, selbst wenn sich die Eltern trennen?

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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Living YOUR Authentic Voice in Relationships - In Paradiso Integrale by...


MY first attempt to work with screenflow - it was great fun to find out what is possible - the prefection will take a while....

Monday, January 20, 2014

What does burning your boat mean to you? by Heidi Hornlein

What does burning your boat mean? -- An example:

When your boat lands at an unknown shore and you burn that boat you’re making sure that you cannot choose  to sail back. You can only go forward and explore this new land.

In my life I have burnt a few boats, some unwillingly, but some consciously.  Today I will tell you about a time when I consciously took on that risk, knowing that I would have to undergo an uncomfortable period  – while also knowing, deep in my heart, that I would be able to find my way through it, that this difficult time would be transitory and not my final destiny.

In my house in Umbria, I lived with an Italian man. We were not married because he, as a “good Italian” had not divorced his first wife.  So, though separated for several years, he remained unwilling to ever divorce – which, in fact, he never did. He provided the money so that I could enjoy exploring farming and immersing myself deeply in nature. A very tiring but exciting time where I learned a lot about plants and animals – and along with that also a good deal about humans - and I began to understand the laws of nature in an intuitive way. But I didn’t earn money, except for the few eggs and chickens I sold, and I became ever more aware that I needed to take care of myself, to make sure that the money I had invested in our house wouldn’t be lost and that I would have a pension of my own – despite his reassurance that in case of his death I would get his pension. I doubted it – and in fact did die a short time ago and his pension does go to his first and only wife and not to his last mate.

I hadn’t been able then to talk with him clearly about my fears, about my need for safety. So what did I do? I fell in love with a younger man which sent my companion into a Mediterranean wrath, leaving me and trying to kick me out of the house. I didn’t leave as had been bought partly with my own money. Finally it was he who left me with a house to stay in, a freezer full of food, the vegetable garden in bloom, and a car - but with no money at all to buy gasoline!

What to do now? My mother lent me some money and I brainstormed what I could do to get some more: painting flats, translating, or – voice lessons!

Bam. That was it. In a few years I went from 1 initial student to about 30, from working with one choir to five choirs. I really got on well and I understood how brilliant I was as a voice teacher – which I never would have discovered if I had stayed with that man and lived off his money.

I burnt my boat again when I stopped leading the choir at the German Church in Rome. I feared that few students would find their way to work with me and that I would not be able to survive. All the old fears popped up again.

In fact, it did happen as I had feared, but it didn’t bother me much. I trusted deeply in myself that things would work out well. And I also realized that working with people in the way I had for the last twenty years was no longer igniting me as it once had when I had been driven by passion to find out how VOICE works.

That decision to stop teaching set me free for other things, enabling me to pursue training in counseling and coaching, into my deep interest in healing relationships - and in healing my own old patterns and conditionings.

In time, I got a small inheritance after my mothers death which allowed me not to be concerned if I earned any additional income. So not only did I survive but I really began to thrive – and I still do! I don’t yet have a reasonable income, but the fears about that are gone and I trust deeply that I am on the right path, that I will earn a living now doing the things I really feel called to bring into the world: love, relationships, our authentic voice in the world, our evolving growth into higher levels of consciousness.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Great News

This is a teaser only.
So watch this space


Paradiso Integrale's annual springtime retreat is OPEN TO MEN this year! 

Yes! We're expanding our circle to include men, whether singly or as part of a couple.
 Of course, women are welcome on the same basis.

More info will dribble out soon.

Friday, January 3, 2014

The Quest for Perfection by Heidi Hörnlein


History tells us that humans have always searched for perfection in their doing, thinking and being. Perfection is an ideal in our heads , where we want to arrive, sooner or later. But nobody really can define and know what “perfection” really is.
To me it seems that perfection is mainly seen as something we SHOULD go towards or be already AT, and it is mainly characterized by the fact that we miss it, that we are NOT there – whatever THERE means.
Nowadays people make a distinction between the physical world, where perfection is simply impossible because we are living in an ever evolving universe where nothing comes to a final conclusion. Then there is the spiritual world which claims that “everything is perfect just as it is”. Wow. Yes, in God’s eye the world and the Universe might be a perfect place and our enlightenment experiences FEEL perfect, give us the insight into an infinite abundance where nothing is missing – since everything is “perfect”.
Using this spiritual idea of “Perfect” in our human life is not really very useful – and leads us into “perfectionism”, a psychologically very unhealthy way of living. Most of us are caught in that, more or less, and thus we, not the world or other people, often drive ourselves crazy!
Perfectionism is the endless striving of people to become better and better - and eventually perfect. Only the goal of being perfect is important – for instance: never make any mistake, be the best of a group, never be affected by a difficult situation, always be in ‘perfect’ control of oneself. Whatever we have already achieved in life is NOT important, because it is not yet perfect. So we need to dismiss it and blame ourselves because, after such a lengthy endeavor, we are still NOT PERFECT. Life becomes a hustle, a race filled with disappointment, pain, sadness. No fun allowed, as long as perfection is not reached. We live in a constant expectation of the future and what it will bring to us – but what it never will, as perfection just is not possible -, and we completely forget to LIVE our lives, right now in the present.
To be able to live fully we would need to give up perfectionism. This idea is threatening to many people because they fear they might simply disappear or dissolve when there is no constant pusher behind them, no blamer and shamer to keep them on track. Habitual perfectionists like myself fear to lose control over our lives, to weaken and die because we wouldn’t do anything any more without this demand for being perfect.
Now, what I can tell you is: we don’t perish and die! When we have given up wanting to be perfect, we become human, fully human, and we get the precious possibility of opening again to life, to feeling, to curiosity, to the fullness of experience. We might no longer do the things we had done before, that is true. But we do the things we really like to do – and do them with a never ending energy and enthusiasm which we had never known before. We open up to our innate creativity and intelligence, we change completely our way seeing our lives and the world. We welcome errors and failure because they alone allow us to learn. Now we really have the chance to become ‘better’, as this is the natural way of evolution. And we live an openhearted life of satisfaction, fullness and acceptance.