Monday, September 19, 2016

Conscious Ageing the Wisdom of Dr.Connie Corley

When we get older we realize how much age is connected with ideas which are deeply rooted in our society and its beliefs. Many people, especially men, feel useless when they go in pension and cannot find a deeper sense in life. Then they get angry and frustrated - or they close themselves away and die soon.

This is absolutely unnecessary. What we believe, shapes our lives!

Dr.Connie Corley
So when we women believe that after the menopause we are not ful women anymore, then we wither and may still find some satisfaction with our grandchildren - if we have then - but then comes the void.

If we believe that we, as grown up people, have a task and even a mission in the world, that we need to share our experience, our insights, our learning in order to assist the next generations in their research in how to master life: - well, then we have a meaningful task which allows us to get up in the morning, full of plans and enthusiasm and go to bed in the evening with the feeling to have done a tiny bit towards the fulfillment of our goals.

Getting older doesn't mean at all to become less, we become more in many areas and we can overcome and handle those areas where problems arise. And problems in health arise for ALL AGES, remember that! And they are often a consequence of our mindset.

We will offer a whole series about conscious ageing in November.
Watch here our pre-event with Dr.Connie Corley and her view of getting older as a practitioner in that field for many decades.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Questioning is our power: Envisioning connecting the dots 

In the 6th broadcast of WOMEN MATTERS we are talking about questions around the present world situation and how to connect the dots to create a bigger picture. (View the video below)

Our Core team from left to right: Gertraut Wegst, Heidi Hörnlein, Tammy Lea Meyer. Monika Schmidt (not present in this conversation)

We all have important perspectives, as human beings, about the state of the world today and the challenges we face. Join us as we explore some of those challenges, through our questions, thoughts, and how we are meeting those challenges in the work that we do. We invite our participants to bring their 'full selves', in an effort to envision how we may connect the dots.

1. European constellation in Hungary and Berlin: The "FEMININE" felt disconnected  and could only begin to move when embraced by "Self confidence"

2. Fracking and earthquakes: how much is not known publicly. How people like Dutchsinse get bullied for giving the inconvenient info which the power structures try to suppress.

3. The economic system which is causing the dis-equilibrium and produces the disastrous state of our world of today.

4. What can we do, as individuals, to create a better world.

5. Energetic ways when facts don't work to make people understand

6. the need for coming together and co-create new structures

7. the need to connect the many single initiatives aiming into the same direction. We need to connect and become empowered together to create what we couldn't create alone.
Join us in the conversation live or leave your comments when you watch later. Subscribe to our newsletter at and contact us directly if you want to be an active part of the conversation live and on camera.