Sunday, June 12, 2016

Uncovering unconscious barriers in women’s participation in the world

Well, this blog was created to bring into German language what I have learned participating in courses offered exclusively in English. Seems that English is the language where things proceed and where people join and so I decided to switch to English as main language.

Watch the video below: 2 German and one Canadian woman discussing the topic:
Heidi Hornlein, Gertraud Wegst and Tammy Lea Meyer

Context: 6 years ago I came into contact with the Feminine Power Teaching - which gave rise to this blog. I certainly have implemented it into my life and have helped others to do so. I myself have learnt to deal with INVISIBILITY by creating public conversations and by appearing as contributor on national and international conferences. Many women are in the audience - but where are they as leaders, public speakers and so on? There are some, yes, but there are still many many more men stepping up before women do so.

It is not that men hinder us to step up and share what we want to share. It is ourselves. Where are the barriers? what can we do to finally overcome them?

offers inside the project WOMEN MATTERS, a series of live conversations with women who are stepping up and want to inspire others to do so, too. And we offer them the possibility to be taken by their hands and helped into overcoming the obstacles which hold them back from offering their gifts and contributions to a wider circle. 

If you are interested to watch the next conversation or to contribute to it, please contact me via this blog or

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