Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Invitation to our autumn retreat and group calls

I am happy publish here an invitation to 2 initiatives of „Feminine Power Europe“ where we would love to have graduates from Feminine Power or Cito courses as participants.

The first initiative is the follow-up event of our project in the ‚real life application track’ of the FP leadership course:

A 5-day Feminine Power retreat in Italy
from 26th to 30th of September 2012

Our previous events took place last April and last september and you can read about them in this blog under the entries of may 2012 and autumn 2011.  Between the participants has opened up a strong field of friendship and collaboration. 


This is a testimonial from a participant who came over from USA to be with us:
Adelheid, THANK YOU for sharing your home, for making the trip so easy and for your generosity and sweetness.
Sam, THANK YOU for holding such a special space for all...YOU ARE A GIFT!
Annie, THANK YOU for your generous loving spirit, open heart, wise words AND for letting me know about the retreat!

That's what another participant wrote:
I liked the blend – I find it important that the talking is taking turns with other creative ways of expression and methods of interaction.

And here another testimonial:
Simply the opportunity to get together with others who are already inside the FP principles and trying to integrate them into their daily lives, the sharing of everybody’s ideas about them and their lived experiences with them, makes it all even more “real”. The feeling of community and support was very encouraging.   

The experience of this event and of our ongoing German sister circle skype group led us to understand how important regular meetings are for to build and maintain a deep connection.  Thus our second invitation:

Weekly group skype (or teleconference) meetings for to deepen our understanding and life inside the FP principles.

Though both initiatives are born in service to people living in Europe (or within the European time zone) we are happy to welcome participants from all over the world.

Please send a private email to  adelheid@integralvoice.de if you would like further information re the retreat in September and/or if you are interested in the weekly calls which are likely to start in October
Much love from Adelheid and the European FP Leadership Team

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