Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Feminine Power  (FP) Live Intensive, July 2012 in Los Angeles

Incredible: a month has already passed since those magic and powerful 5 days I spent in Los Angeles inside the Feminine Power Community, together with 120 FP sisters and our dear teachers Katherine Woodward Thomas and Claire Zammit.
Members of the Mastery Leadership Community in LA

our wedding ceremony
Actually, those days were also my honeymoon. Mark and I had married only a few days before in San Diego. Though Mark is quite inside the Feminine Power Worldview – which has opened his eyes and caused an incredible transformation in him – for which he is extremely grateful – he, as a man is not (yet) admitted at our retreats of the community (though he had a brief appearance on the stage with me receiving the congratulations of the community and talking about his commitment for to create something similar for men....) 
Mark and Adelheid at the live intensive
and so he spent these days with his daughter (applying what he has learned from FP), while I passed these days in our sisterhood engaging in exercises which brought me – and I guess all of us – in a different state of awareness of what is really possible for me, for us and for the future of our world.

Claire, me and Katherine (from left)

Claire and Katherine led us into a space of real unknown territory about how to communicate with each other. In a 5 day process we discovered and experienced how the state of the person speaking or listening is impacting the field between them, how it impacts the speaker who wants to share from her heart, if the listener is distracted, not fully listening. It is experienced not only as an act of violence, but it leads also to a feeling of awkwardness and finally shuts down the communication  ---  isn’t this exactly the state in which we are in, everybody, in our western society? Maybe everywhere in the world!  People don’t listen anymore – this leads to people don’t talk any more, at least not about things which lie deep in their heart. We close our hearts in the same measure as nobody listens to us deeply. It is a vicious circle, in which we are in as a collective. And to experience that directly within our bodies – this was a very big revelation.

Then: how different it feels, when the listener really listens to the speaker, with her whole attention and as if the speaker is about to talk about the most important thing in the world. Here real connection creates itself and the feeling of being heard and seen. This creates a fertile field of interchange and exploration, a creative process of deepening into chosen topics by means of a dialogue – which does NOT come from the head, but from a very deep space within ourselves - , by coming to a deep understanding of one another, which has the power to create connection, love – and ultimately peace on earth.

Finally we have discovered the tools for to arrive to those ‘utopian’ ways of being – like universal love – where traditional spiritual paths would eagerly talk about without offering an effective tool to reach that – in a reasonable time and with reasonable effort.

Thanks to Feminine Power and some few other pioneers in this field.

All participants of the Life Intensive


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