Monday, November 28, 2011

Worum es geht bei "Feminine Power" -- what does "Feminine Power" mean? "

Feminine Power bedeutet: die Kraft des in Beziehung Gehens. Die Kurse, kreiert von Katherine Woodward Thomas und Claire Zammit sind ein genialer Weg, all das alte Zeug in Windeseile zu transformieren, was Frau (Mann auch) so mit sich rumschleppt aus frühester Kindheit und was uns hindert, wirklich zu unserer vollen 'Größe' aufzublühen, unsere 'feminine power' (unsere weibliche Kraft und Stärke - es gibt im Deutschen kein passendes Wort) wieder zu entdecken und zu entwickeln. 

Feminine Power Coaching - ich und Sam und ein paar FP Schwestern machen gerade die Ausbildung zum Feminine Power Coach - wir sind damit befähigt, unsere Klientinnen (eventuell auch Klienten) durch einen höchst wirkungsvollen und tiefgehend transformierenden Prozess zu führen. Gerade eben wieder, in unserem Peercall, hat eine Coachin berichtet, wie ihre Klientin in der 3. Sitzung eine riesige Einsicht hatte darüber, was ihr übermäßiger Ärger bedeutet, ( und wie sie ihn transformieren kann) worauf sie bei jahrelanger Therapie nie gestossen war.....

Ein Versuch, zu beschreiben, was es mit "Feminine Power" auf sich hat:
Es geht um den Aufbau und die Pflege von Beziehungen: Zuerst die Beziehung zu sich selbst, dann die dem Leben gegenüber und, die Folge aus den ersten beiden, unsere Beziehung den anderen Menschen gegenüber. 

"Beziehung", ihr Aufbau und die Pflege ist nunmal eine Spezialität von Frauen (bzw. weiblichen Wesen), daher 'FEMININE' Power. Die Power erwächst aus der verkörperten Erkenntnis, nicht nur aus dem rationalen Verstehen. Der Körper erinnert sich an was ganz anderes, als der Kopf und er fühlt und braucht auch was ganz anderes als der Kopf. Und das dann, zusammengebracht und jedem Anteil seinen rechtmäßigen Platz gegeben und liebevoll in die Arme genommen erschafft die Veränderung...

Ich freue mich über Eure Fragen: 

We are happy to answer your questions on "Feminine Power" in English

for your pleasure: check out;
these are pics under the aspect of "relatedness" - in so many ways and degrees......

Monday, November 21, 2011

Discovering the feminine in The Tarot Garden

There were so many amazing highlights, some of which I’ve mentioned below about our time together at Adelheid’s beautiful home, but today I want to share about the stunning, divinely feminine Tarot Garden in Tuscany.

I was lucky enough to first visit there in April, so I put it forward as a day outing option when we were together in October. We had a truly inspirational day, stopping at two ancient churches, a local cafe for rich coffee and homemade coconut ice-cream, a picnic on the beach and a swim and then onto Niki de Saint Phalle’s Tarot Garden with sculptures of the 22 Major Arcana.

As our small feminine power group climbed the hill, we were greeted by huge sculptures of mosaic glass, ceramics and mirrors glistening in the afternoon sun. The first is The High Priestess and mischievous Magician with huge steps of water cascading down to the Wheel of Fortune fountain. On top of the hill The Empress watches over us and the Hierophant and bird-like giant Sun sparkle in the sunlight. Behind is Strength – a damsel leading an emerald green dragon as she conquers her inner demons.

To me the fact that Niki lived and designed in The Empress is what makes it so special. Filled with thousands of tiny mirrors, it is simply breathtaking. Outside you can climb steps to the roof terrace to admire the garden – there’s built in seats which are surprisingly cool in the sun – we have fun lounging and posing on them! The mirrors reflect the whole garden and from each different viewpoint you can see a bit more of the garden but never the whole – it’s a garden of delights and secrets.

Death, the card of renewal, is portrayed with more than a little humour as a regal golden woman rides a horse in a vibrant red corset! Dead animals lie at her feet including a dog with its legs in the air! The Hermit, traditionally a male figure, has two guises in the Garden – The Hermit and The Oracle – the female version covered in snakes. Both, set apart from the other sculptures are designed for you to walk into and absorb the energy of listening to your heart – The Hermit a silver cocoon while The Oracle is a delicious orange one. We crouch down together and enjoy the sheer fun of them!

Niki died in 2002, aged 71, and her picture joins those of her friends and husband on the altar of the black Madonna in Temperance – a dome chapel of mirrors reflecting the cosmos. As you duck to enter its womb-like space, your senses are assaulted by the vibrancy of the tiny mirrors and ceramic hearts and flowers. Standing on top of Temperance is an Angel which, like all of Niki’s feminine sculptures, is a full-figured woman, proud and magnificent in her splendour.

The last card of the Major Arcana is The World and this sculpture dominates her own space, away from the others and unlike many of them, completely visible – a huge blue glistening goddess standing on top of a golden World supported by a vibrant snake. As the World slowly turns, from this vantage point, we can admire her in all her grace.<

The garden is a place to bask in beauty and complete sensory experience, while finding a quiet spot to meditate on the vibrant colours, watch a fountain or sit in an amazingly comfortable snake chair. With the senses tantalised almost to the point of overload, there’s calmness, a centre point of stillness. This, to me, is the true beauty of the Tarot Garden, it shows you all its splendor but it’s up to you to find its heart by listening to your own.

You can view more pictures here


Friday, November 18, 2011

Baden im Tiber - Taking a bath in Italy's most famous river

Das musste sein: einmal im Tiber Baden gehen! Drei mutige Teilnehmerinnen unseres Feminine Power Retreats in Otricoli/Umbrien/Italien

whoever has studied Latin knows the famous river 'Tiber' - and for some years now it is clean enough to take a cool bath. 3 participants of our Feminine Power Retreat in Italy enjoyed their unusual evening swim...  I, myself, preferred to take the photograph - with Sam's excellent camera -  and watch from outside....

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Annies share

"The time together created such a bond! I can see that the nature of Feminine Power (FP) work (vulnerability, authenticity, honoring shared agreements) leads to deep connection. This was fostered even more by the small group we had, the structure of the day balancing group and personal time, and the beautiful simplicity of Paradiso Integrale. In addition, Adelheid was very skillful at leading in a subtle way, with expert organization, yet participating in all activities as one of the FP sisters.

During the time together, Feminine Power work was our staple daily fare. All of us had issues which were brought to the table and we worked as a group with them within the Feminine Power shared agreements.  I had the good fortune of having two "real time" events which really exploded my own learning. One was around a work situation that was happening back in the States;  I was dealing with it intermittently while at Paradiso Integrale.  I had a strong breakdown around it and my FP sisters helped me recognize what was happening. Through their coaching and holding the space, my false center finally calmed down and my power center surfaced. Another "event" was when one of the sisters in the group voiced a "negative" feeling she had about me. It was wonderful modeling on her part to have the courage to do this. For me, I understood that my communication was not being interpreted as intended. After receiving group comments and personal reflection,  I could see the effect it had on the dynamics of the group and begin to dismantle my pattern . Both of these" live" events gave tremendous impact to my learning. At home I have continued to deepen my understanding and practice in these areas.

The bonus to doing the Feminine Power work at Paradiso Integrale is the days and evenings were punctuated with personal time for exercise, meditation…. with communal meal preparation and side trips to the beach and Italian sites. Interestingly, we were so engaged in our Feminine Power learning, it was woven into all our activities, enriching our time together, creating a gorgeous tapestry of life at Paradiso Integrale. "

the photographs from our Italy retreat are taken by Sam and Nicci

(here they are: left Nicci. middle: Sam, right: Annie)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Feminine Power Mastery

You can still join FP Mastery 2012! If you are interested in radically changing your relationship with yourself and others - this is the best path you could step on!! It has begun only last week, you can still join it!!
write to support@

wenn Du Deine Beziehung zu Dir selbst, zu Deinem Leben und zu den anderen Menschen vollständig verändern willst, dann mache bei FP Mastery mit! Das ist ein wirklich transformativer Weg, Du wirst Dich nach 9 Monaten selber nicht mehr wieder erkennen....
Der Kurs hat letzte Woche begonnen, aber Du kannst noch aufspringen auf den Zug zu einem neuen Leben in der Erfüllung Deiner tiefsten Wünsche....

Monday, November 7, 2011

FP Intensive - Life gathering in Italy

Das ist die Beschreibung unseres Treffens von Anfang Oktober 2011 von Sam aus England.

This is Sams description of our gathering of Feminine Power Mastery graduates in Italy in the first days of October 2011

For me this was just such a wonderful blessing, to dive further into the work. When I started Feminine Power in July last year, the first person to respond to my intro posting was Adelheid and I said I wanted to go to Italy for my  birthday celebrations in spring 2011 and she said ‘come’! So I knew just how amazing her beautiful home is and was determined to go back as soon as she suggested the women’s retreat!

So on Tues 27th Sept, Adelheid picked us up from the airport and we began to get to know each other on the car ride to Umbria and then over a delicious shared meal in the courtyard that evening.

For me the deep reflection and healing really began as I woke at sunrise and walked around the organic olive farm, taking pictures and chatting to Max the dog! After a shared breakfast, we began by discussing the shared agreements and what they really mean – this gave them such depth and clarity and really brought them alive for me.

Every day was a complete blessing and I can honestly say I have never felt so connected to others before; I felt totally seen, appreciated, and cared for and about. It was just complete immersion into the FP work and principles and it was so special.

The daily practice of checking in and not shying away from our feelings and needs was, I feel, so pivotal to the whole week and deeply bonded us together (for life I feel). Our beautiful closing ceremony by Annie and then appreciation ceremony will stay with me forever as sacred memories.

I feel deeply honoured to have had this wonderful experience and trust that it will be the first of many such retreats in Adelheid’s beautifully healing home.