Times have dramatically changed since last November - and certainly since January 20th. Male chauvinism and Macho ways of de-valuating women have become a normal thing out of the mouth of a president who rules a nation which had claimed to be the most advanced in all eras. Real progress has been reached in the last century, especially since the 60ies. And now? Shall we allow sexism and other things to become socially acceptable again?
Considerations like the ones above urge us women to finally step up and claim our rightful place in society, the rightful respect as human beings which are not treated from a sexist perspective. we don't want to be dominated by the whims of a human gorilla!
So what are the real chances of the unfolding chaos and the present thread to fall back in medieval times?
What does it mean to face the challenges today as they present themselves?
- This is an existential demand to become aware and responsible for ourselves and for the political situation in our countries
- This is the moment when everybody is asked to act in the face of the breakdown, step up, be courageous and name the atrocities
- This is the moment where single people and states need to face their shadow, to take responsibility for their own past actions, admit errors and work towards repairing them
- This is, again, the proof that a top-down approach to life is not working. We cannot rely on others, not on politicians or big business, to find a solution for the benefit of everybody and the whole world.
- This is the call to come together and collaborate in creating the future. The change needs to be initiated from the bottom, by us, and then the change in our societies will manifest.
In "Women Matters" we came together in January to share our insights into our present situation and to name our intentions for the coming year. Our meetings and many of similar gatherings intend to empower those women who, themselves, are not yet part of a co-creative group. Listening to others can open you to do the critical step and come out of your hiding place. You can create your own group, in private or in public.
Be aware: whatever we do has an impact on the whole world, practically and energetically. Don't underestimate your power. Be part of the change and engage in ways which are good for you in the present moment. And remember: you are co-creating the future, how it will be this depends also on YOU.
Here the recording of our conversation, you can also access it on our website The Wisdom Factory under http://thewisdomfactory.net/women-matters/
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