Thursday, December 1, 2011


Hurraaaa!!!   I have finished the Couches Training for “Calling in The One”, and today I’d like to talk to you about it.
(Nächstes mal werde ich über diesen wunderbaren Prozess, die Liebe in Dein Leben zu bringen, auf Deutsch schreiben)

It is – as the specialist for Integral Relationships, Martin Ucik says: the most advanced course for realizing love in our lives’ , available at this moment. It first was published as a book by Katherine Woodward Thomas and then also transformed into a telecourse, together with her teaching partner Claire Zammit – and it was the starting point for their developing of Feminine Power, to which this blog is mainly dedicated.

                                                        Calling in The One  
 by Katherine Woodward Thomas

“7 weeks to attract the love of your life” is the under title.  And actually. in the book you will find 7x7 chapters and exercises for to be worked through, and reflection questions after each chapter.
Just to tell you the topics of the 7 weeks:

  • ·      Preparing for love
  • ·      Completions
  • ·      Healing core wounds
  • ·      Setting your course
  • ·      First things first
  • ·      A life worth living
  • ·      Living love fulfilled

This course doesn’t tell you how to go out to meet the right people and what to say to them, it is working from the inside out. It makes you understand why exactly your previous relationships didn’t work the way you had dreamt of – and what was your own role in the drama. It gives you a clear understanding about your unconscious patterns who have co-created the suffering and delusion in your relationships – and it trains you to shift your consciousness, to grow and learn new skills and capacities to be practiced in every day life with the people you meet. So you will not only be more skilful in navigating your relationships, but also in understanding which ones are ‘worth wile’ to invest your energy in and which ones you better leave in time.
It is really intense work, and I as a CITO-Coach am here to help you to integrate your insights and new development, to stand for you in moments of ambivalence or resistance and to guide you on the path towards the fulfilment of your intention, your North Star.

 Next post in German, I promise

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