Monday, October 30, 2017

How can we clean up the mess in the world? - Women Matters in The Widom Factory

No doubt: our world is presenting itself as rather messy these days.
Politics and power struggles, social unrest, financial insecurity, religious fanaticism, terrorist attacks, social justice warriors promoting totalitarianism, declarations of independence in nations which seemed to be united, global warming, draughts, floods and hurricanes... the list goes on and on.

How can we deal with all that? It seems to be overwhelming for most of us. All these horrible news! We get the impression that the world is a dangerous place - and probably it is. But it leads us to feel helpless in the face of not really knowing what we can do to change the situation.

Building the plane while flying

One thing is obvious: the "normal" way of problem solving doesn't work anymore. Abuse of power and violence lead to more of the same and to increase the problem instead of solving it. We need new ways of meeting the challenges and to begin to do something constructive which takes into account the impact of our doing on the future. Women in contact with their feminine qualities have always been the source of true problem solving, of finding creative and caring ways to do what needs to be done. These are the really powerful women who source their power by tapping into the unknown and exploring and intuiting what is the next step in the unfolding of the future. Not merely goal directed thinking - a quality of the masculine aspect - but going ahead in a constant feedback loop which sometimes requires to change the goals while moving toward them.

In our monthly conversation of WOMEN MATTERS we explored what we perceived as challenges and what we see our personal and collective contributions to solutions could be.
We ended the conversation with the gender topic, the freedom of choosing gender and children who are seen as already so smart to lead us adults the way. 

Well, we women need to be very aware to not add to the mess by our tendency to overestimate our children and at the same time to overprotect them!

Enjoy the conversation and if you feel inspired to join us please let me know!

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Friday, October 13, 2017

Women and Power

Why is this still a topic in our times and in the Western world? Don't we have passed the Women's Lib movement and aren't we free today to be powerful women in the world? So why still talk about WOMEN and POWER?
Yes, we women in the western world theoretically can do what we want, we can go to University and become a professor and we also can become engineers or trash truck driver. Is it that what we want? And is our feminine power expressed through entering into professions which traditionally are the domain of men? YES and NO, at the same time.
Watch this first part of our conversation with Prof. Dr. Barbara von Meibom where we explore the topic. She, herself, has entered in the masculine way of doing and achieving - until her body sent her the message that she needed to change her life - by living now with a partially paralysed face (She talks about that in a later excerpt. Watch all at:

And please, let us know what you think about it, and, if interested, contact us for conversations among women in different parts of the world!